Ready, set, LIFT
This beautiful woman gave us full and absolute trust to treat areas we felt would help her feel her best…
Jawline & Chin is one of the most requested areas we treat. These areas require a high degree of anatomical knowledge and injection skill.
Our patient had been "spot-treated" before she met us and her chin had a "treated" look. When injectors “spot treat” the face can become disharmonious. For example, you cannot treat the jawline of a woman that has a recessed chin or you will make her look round and appear to be masculine, nor can you treat cheeks without assessing temples or you run the risk of jeopardising appearance making them look maleficent.
Our patient also had premature ageing of her jawline due to demineralisation of her mandible. The jawline was not appearing streamlined as you can see below and if we weren't careful we could have potentially made her face more bottom-heavy.
Before Treatment
To make her look as natural as possible we had to be strategic in how we treated her. The transition zones had to be augmented gently into the next without any harsh demarcation. The zones are commonly overlooked for cosmetic aesthetic benefit by both injectors and patients alike. See below for the results after her first treatment.
What are the “transition zones?”
▪️The Temple
▪️The Preauricular Sulcus
▪️The Submalar
▪️The Chin Sulcus
After the first treatment at The Manor Clinic
💉 Technique
Balancing the chin sulcus with aliquots of product on the
periosteum to tighten the jawline, decrease the appearance
of jowls/marionette lines and soften the lower face shadows.Augmenting the chin height and length to harmonise the
lower face.Restoring at the gonial angle on the periosteum with a
larger bolus to provide the foundation.Layering below the mandible using a cannula in the
subcutaneous plane to fill in the structural deficiency and
support two tissue planes, providing the LIFT.Not chasing divets or folds by filling in areas that bother
patients. This avoids making patients look stiff, puffy and
odd-looking, particularly when smiling or talking.
🔧 Maintenance
Skin Care that works for you
Anti-Wrinkle every 3-4 months
Annual review of Dermal Filler, only treating when required
The final reveal of our beautiful patient who trusted the process and committed to our treatment plan.