Let’s Talk Pre-Treatment
Before your treatment please avoid the below:
2 Weeks before
Try to avoid blood-thinning and anti-inflammatory medication (e.g aspirin, ibuprofen, fish oil) two weeks before unless recommended by your medical doctor.
2 Days before
Do not use topical products such as AHA, Tretinoin (Retin-A), Retinols/vitamin C therapy, Glycolic Acid or any “anti-aging” products.
To reduce the extent of bruising, you can start taking Arnica tablets 2 days before treatment. These can be purchased over the counter at your chemist.
24 hours before treatment
Avoid strenuous exercise
Avoid alcohol
Do not use any oil-based make-up
Avoid waxing, bleaching, tweezing or using hair removal creams on the area
Avoid Gingko Biloba, primrose oil, garlic, ginseng and vitamin E
Do not expose the area to intense heat (e.g solarium or sauna)
Things to be aware of:
If you have previously suffered from cold sores, there is a risk of trauma associated with Dermal Filler lip injections which may trigger a cold sore outbreak. We recommend not having treatment if you have an active cold sore. As a preventative, seek medical advice from your doctor or speak with your pharmacist about commencing anti-viral medication in a tablet form before your appointment to reduce the risk of a cold sore outbreak.
Day of Treatment
We’re looking forward to seeing you soon!
Please arrive 5 minutes before your treatment.
Arrive with a clean face and no make-up if possible.
To maximise your comfort during your treatment ice is applied to the surface of areas being treated.
An over the counter topical anaesthesia may be applied for lip treatment.
We offer vibration tools to ease pain sensitivity and help relax facial muscles.
Anaesthetic is compounded into our premium dermal filler range which provides relief.
What to expect from your treatment:
Anti-Wrinkle and Dermal Filler are two different products with different indications. Below is an approximate guide of both treatments.
Duration: 35-45 minutes*
Results: 7-14 days
Longevity: Up to 3-4 months
*Multiple treatments require additional time
Dermal Filler
Treatment time: 40-60 minutes*
Results: Immediate
Longevity: Up to 1-2 years
*Multiple treatments require additional time